Arctic's RUNNING service!!
i can either dual runs with my guildies (all running guild) [RnRs] , or anytime u need a quick run, i can do the following!!
ascalon to beacons - 1.3k
ascalon area run - (all missions and towns by ascalon) 700g
any where from ascalon - beacons ( any of the towns to beacons~pending
beacons to sanctum - 2k - will need to get more people in this run at once, so i will go to beacons and gather a group with u, because its too long of a run to do with just one person for just 2k
rankor to grotto ~ 10k ~ 2k a stop ~ (dual)
and thats pretty much it for now because i dont feel like doing droks or anything else =D (you may also whisper me in the game)
all runs guarenteed 99% success~~also if you have a main and can run fro beacons to any where (any of the above except the ascalon to wherever runs ~ to ez, need pros. just whisper me in game and we can talk, we need pro runners, but if u ARE a begginer, u can check out our begginers guild, to join either of these, talk to one of the following people in game~~Blood Warrior Killa~leader of guild~Loyd Hogan~officer~OR ME~Arctics Monsta~officer~good luck